Listen to Time Savings
The time savings is one of the best reasons to use CalltoTrack. A couple of months ago we released our very first beta version of CalltoTrack and have been closely monitoring our beta testers, both their use and their customer satisfaction with the service. We would like to share some of those stats with you.
Reduction in CSR calls
One of our beta testers is in the vertical that sells products to older clients, think lift chairs, mobility scooters, products of that nature. Their two biggest pain points are shipping and the number of calls they get from customers about their order delivery. This is where CalltoTrack has come in to help out.
In the first month CalltoTrack handled over 1100 calls that would normally require a human to answer, and a human to look up the order information. It was evident within the first week how much time CalltoTrack was going to free up for this company. This gave them the ability to hand other jobs off to their customer service agents, increasing the productivity of the company across the board.
The Autolookup is one of the best features of CalltoTrack. What it does, is it takes the caller’s phone number, and runs it against orders in the shop. Then it pulls up the order associated with that phone number automatically. So the customer does not have to find their order number and manually enter it in. Looking through the statistics of this CalltoTrack user, we can see that the AutoLookup is used 71% of the time. This means most of the users get the information they are looking for, with very minimal friction in getting it. Which for older customers can sometimes be a sticking point.
From talking to the different users of CalltoTrack, we have seen the many ways that our users are putting the saved CSR time to use. Some are having CSR employees enter and change product data, others are using the time to augment their SEO or even responding to reviews. Which ever way you to use the time that CAlltoTrack saves you, it will be put to good use.
About the Author: Lesley Paone
Lesley has worked in e-commerce for over a decade, and is the founder of CalltoTrack. Starting out with PrestaShop and branching out into other platforms like Shopify, CS-Cart, Woocommerce and Adobe commerce. He loves all things e-commerce and loves a challenge, in his spare time he helps moderate several forums on SEO, e-commerce, as well as the PrestaShop forum. If you have any questions for him about any of his articles you can reach out to him through our contact form.